Recently diagnosed ADHD ?
Have you recently been diagnosed with ADHD?
I was diagnosed with ADHD and developmental dyslexia in 2023. Before 2022 this would have been a complete surprise to myself. A year before my diagnosis, I had began to wonder about whether I did have ADHD after working and getting to know some ADHD’rs. I was always late, really struggled with deadlines and described myself as an extreme deadliner. I hated those boring, daily chores such as washing up. I was told I didn’t really listen to instructions and was beginning to be mindful that I had to hear an instruction twice before I did listen. I thought for a long time that all these things were all about me and my personality.
Having a diagnosis, was in some ways a shock. In others ways, I felt like I had been handed the missing jigsaw pieces. Slowly but surely, how I lived and perceived life began to look different and I was able to relax into myself, to live my life in my way. I have managed my diagnosis without medication and found it helpful to research the diagnosis and give myself permission to lean into my creative side. I have pets, I write lists, I now own an alexa who reminds me about regular requirements to do “stuff”. I love writing poetry. I have accepted my chaos in getting out of the door so that I am on time.
I imagine that in some ways, I will always be processing this diagnosis. This may be down to the fact that I have been diagnosed later in life. To stop that automatic thinking that for example I am lazy or that I need time on my own to process a day or a week, is not something that changes quickly over time. So, I keep reading and listening on this topic and feel the bond of understanding when meeting others with a ND diagnosis.
So, my reason for this piece: I have just listened to a lovely discussion at the opening of a podcast with comedians / actors Aishling Bea and Rob Brydon. Aisling Bea talks about her diagnosis, her reaction to the reaction of others to having a ADHD diagnosis and how she managers her life. Listen in, for the first 16 minutes, to hear Aishling’s experience of late diagnosis ADHD.
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